Kentucky Artisan Center Board to Meet Sept. 22

Contact: Aly Norton



Kentucky Artisan Center Board to hold special meeting

Special meeting will be held via video conference

BEREA, Ky. (September 19, 2022) - The Kentucky Artisan Center will host a special board meeting on Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 11:00 am-12:30 pm EDT. The meeting will be held via video conference.

To access the meeting via Zoom, visit: 

Meeting ID: 849 0107 0535 

Passcode: TuN48Y 

Virtual Only Special Meeting Agenda


  1. Welcome - Chairman Mike Berry
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Financial Report - Todd Finley
  4. Operations Report - Todd Finley
  5. Adjourn 



Kentucky Artisan Center board meetings are open to the public.

The Kentucky Artisan Center is a state arts agency within the Kentucky Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet.