Kentucky Artisan Center Board to Meet Dec. 7

Contact: Todd Finley

859-985-5448, ext. 222

Meeting will be held at 200 Artisan Way, Berea, KY and via teleconference

BEREA, Ky. (Dec. 2, 2021) - The Kentucky Artisan Center will host its quarterly board meeting on Tuesday December 7, 2021. 

The meeting will be held in person at the Kentucky Artisan Center Board Room located at 200 Artisan Way, Berea, KY 40403 at 12:30 p.m. EDT, and by videoconference.

To access the meeting via Zoom, visit;

Meeting ID: 835 0239 2209

Passcode: ph2x8S

Kentucky Artisan Center board meetings are open to the public.

The Kentucky Artisan Center is a state arts agency in the Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet of the State of Kentucky.